Found 1,192 symbols matching: Page #6


Gibbous Moon
Denotes a waxing gibbous moon or a soli-lunar arc in the range 135°-180°.
Full Moon
Denotes a full moon or a soli-lunar arc in the range 180°-225°.
Disseminating moon
Denotes a waning gibbous moon or a soli-lunar arc in the range 225°-270°.
Eris, minor-planet designation 136199 Eris, is the most massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System and the ninth most massive body known to orbit the Sun directly.
Opposition (planets)
180° angle/Six signs apart The glyph of the Conjunction plus a circle on top of its line, implying two objects are in front (opposed) of each other.
A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.
Eight-Armed Sun Cross
The eight-armed sun cross represents the Pagan Wheel of the Year.
Triple Goddess Symbol
The triple goddess sign is identified with Greek moon goddesses.
Saint Patricke's Saltire or Saint Patrick's Cross
Saint Patrick's Saltire or Saint Patrick's Cross is a red saltire (X-shaped cross) on a white field, used to represent the island of Ireland or Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. In heraldic…
Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, Sahasrāra), or Sahastrara, is the seventh primary chakra, according to Hindu tradition. The Sahasrara is described as having 1,000 multi-coloured petals which are arran…
Ajna: The Brow Chakra
Ajna is symbolised by a lotus with two petals, and corresponds to the colours violet, indigo or deep blue, though it is traditionally described as white. It is at this point that the two side nadis I…
Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
Vishuddha (also Vishuddhi) is depicted as a silver crescent within a white circle, with 16 light or pale blue, or turquoise petals. The seed mantra is Ham, and the residing deity is Panchavaktra shiv…
Anahata: The Heart Chakra
Anahata, or Anahata-puri, or padma-sundara is symbolised by a circular flower with twelve green petals. (See also heartmind.) Within it is a yantra of two intersecting triangles, forming a hexagram, …
Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura or manipuraka is symbolised by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals, along with the color yellow. The seed syllable is Ram, and the presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as t…
Muladhara: The Root Chakra
Muladhara or root chakra is symbolised by a lotus with four petals and the color red. This center is located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region. It is said to relate to the gonads and t…
Bisexual pride flag
The bisexual pride flag was designed by Michael Page in 1998 in order to give the bisexual community its own symbol comparable to the Gay pride flag of the larger LGBT community. His aim was to incre…
Labrys (λάβρυς in Greek, lábrys) is the term for a symmetrical doubleheaded axe originally from Crete in Greece, one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization; to the Romans, it was known as a bipe…
Rub el Hizb
The Rub el Hizb (Arabic: ربع الحزب‎ rubʿ al-ḥizb) is a Muslim symbol, represented as two overlapping squares, which is found on a number of emblems and flags. In Arabic, Rubʻ means "one fourth, quart…
Unicursal hexagram
The unicursal hexagram is a hexagram or six-pointed star that can be traced or drawn unicursally, in one continuous line rather than by two overlaid triangles. The hexagram can also be depicted insid…
A capacitor (originally known as condenser) is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy in an electric field.
Square brackets
Square brackets—also called crotchets or simply brackets (US)—are often used to insert explanatory material or to mark where a [word or] passage was omitted from an original material by someone other…
Braces or Curly Brackets
Curly brackets – also properly called braces in the US – are used in specialized ways in poetry and music (to mark repeats or joined lines).
Parentheses (/pəˈrɛnθɨsiːz/) (singular, parenthesis (/pəˈrɛnθɨsɨs/)) (also called simply brackets, or round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or, colloquially, parens) contain material that c…
The colon is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line. In Unicode, it is encoded at U+003A : colon (HTML: :).
Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots that usually indicate an intentional omission of a word, sentence or whole s…


Are you a world flags master?

A Curaçao
B Cambodia
C Jamaica
D St. Vincent Grenadines
