
About The STANDS4 Network

Established in 2001, STANDS4 is a top digital media company that offers free online resources in the areas of reference, education, and creativity. Our globally collaborative network of premium brands serves millions of unique visitors worldwide with authentic content and community tools. contains everything about symbols, signs, flags and glyphes by culture, country, religion, and more. is the world's largest and most comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. holds hundreds of thousands of entries organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to governmental, medicine and business and it is expanding daily. is a fast and complete website to help you solve anagrams for word games or puzzles. It can be used for games like Scrabble®, Words With Friends®, Trivia and other crossword based board games and apps. is a huge collection of biographies about famous and not-so-famous individuals, including a large amount of facts, birthday information, life story, profession, family and more. is an online conversions calculator for a variety of unit measurements featuring natural language queries. provide a seemingly endless array of handy and useful calculators and conversion tools, organized by a large variety of categories, from math & science to finance, health & everyday cooking. is an online multilingual dictionary that provides instant lookup and translations of word and phrase definitions from many sources, and in more than 20 different languages. All the Grammar You Need to Succeed™ - explore our world of Grammar with FREE grammar & spell checker, articles, tutorials, vocabulary games and more. is the world's largest and most popular English-Indonesian dictionary on the web. is a large collection of books from famous and not-so-famous authors from around the world — collaboratively published by amateur book authors and contributing editors. is a comprehensive online lyrics resource, and a vibrant music fans community, featuring hundred of thousands lyrics and albums information from endless artists. is a crowdsourced multilingual online dictionary for common phrases, casual expressions and idioms that can be easily navigated, pronounced, and translated to many languages. the leading poetry community site on the web - poems from all over the world, famous poets biographies and lots of amateur poets contributions. provides tens of thousands of famous and movie quotations from many authors that can be browsed, searched, rated, heard and translated to several languages. is a multidisciplinary web directory of reference resources that can be searched and browsed alphabetically and by category. is a unique online rhyming dictionary that contains a huge collection of rhyme entries for almost any given word in English divided by senses. is a large collection of movie scripts, screenplays and transcripts which runs by a community of amateur and professional writers. is an online thesaurus reference resource that provides instant synonyms and antonyms definitions in several languages, along with visual diagrams of their associated semantic relationships is an instant ZIP code lookup service featuring geographic and demographic data, crime rates, business information, educational institutes, weather and maps that can be explored by ZIP code or city name.


Are you a world flags master?

A New Caledonia
B Romania
C Benin
D Belgium