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What does this symbol mean?

Spotted a symbol you can't identify? Trying to find the meaning and origin of a symbol, tatoo or an engraving? Let our community of experts figure it out for you.

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  • iang.91999
    Has anyone ever seen this symbol before?
    LikeReply26 days ago
  • Bendrinkin
    What is this symbol?
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • Ppange750
    What does this mean?
    LikeReply1 month ago
    What does this mean
    =/==/ =/=// ====/ /=///

    =///= ==/// ====/

    ===// ====/ /==// /==// ==/=/ //==/
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • nglavnc
    What does this symbol mean? The inside of the ring reads: In the midst of
    Thank you
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • yamakazi66
    Hello, I almost saw this logo in a dream. Does anyone have any information about it and what it is related to?
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • smoked_a
    Hello everyone! Can anyone tell me what is the name/meaning of this symbol or where can I find a software able to search for it on the web pls ?
    For context: Search Mezzosangue - Sete on youtube. You can find the symbol on the coat of the masons at the beginning of the song. It must be related to esoterism and to a good faction/positive meaning, presumably having to do with the ideals of the French revolution and the emancipation of the human being (like the Order of Assassins from A'sC for ex) 
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • renatal.59551
    Someone can help me identify this symbol
    LikeReply4 months ago
    • infraspace
      That's a map marker from a game called Skyrim. I think it marks a location for a quest.
      LikeReply4 months ago
  • HUWLEW12
    Any ideas for default?

    Also there's a version that I saw elsewhere, but I can't seem to find a picture now (named Alt 1)
    Where cross 1 (left)& 3 (right)were the right way up but cross 2(center) remained upside down...

    Saw yet an alternate version similar to alt 1 where it simply had a small love heart beside it to the right ?

    LikeReply4 months ago
  • inézmaria
    anyone know what this is
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • infraspace
    This is a symbol I created as a kind of signature sigil. If I was into graffiti, it wouldd be my tag I guess. I'm just curious if it already exists in some alphabet, or has some pre-existing meaning.
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • Amy92
    What is the meaning of this symbol please
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • Ilclava
    Someone can say to me what symbols are theese?
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • kelina_c
    Circle with a k on top. Anyone know what this means?
    LikeReply6 months ago
    • infraspace
      That's called Chiron. (Pronounced Kie-ron) It's an astrology thing.
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • Annb
    Can anyone help me identify this symbol?
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • Devskywalker83
    What is this? I found it once a few moths ago drawn on my set of drawers, without the letters underneath and then again yesterday on the inside of my cabinet door. (I moved in between each finding)
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • creedance_s
    What does this tattoo mean I can't find it anywhere
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • ziggystardog
    Does this pendant shape have any symbolic meaning?
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • szity
    Dear Community,
    Looking for help, what is the meaning of thosesymbols?
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • infraspace
      They look a bit like the script used for some Native American languages. The colon and repetition makes it look like a time display.
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • Svetoslav100
    Hello! Does anyone know the translation/meaning of these symbols?
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • cline_m
    Looking for translation
    LikeReply10 months ago
  • lukifus_l
    does anyone have the meaning for these symbols?
    LikeReply11 months ago
  • Tool29107
    Can anyone,please,tell me the meaning of this symbol?It's on a old 18k gold ring I found tucked away in some things I've collected.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Nicsym
    What does this symbol mean? Found it on a Zara t-shirt.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Anonymous27
    Found dice with symbol in place of one
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Goose0205!
    Someone tell me what’s the name of this symbol
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Mhill
    Found this on a supposedly haunted tree. Anyone know what it means?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • karlar.91404
    What is this logo or symbol? It's on a patch found.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • JoshSiddo
    I found this whilst exploring, can anyone help me out with what it means?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • SpicyGust
    Found this in my spouse's clothes while washing them, anybody know what they are?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Foxy_cutiepie
    My grandmother gave me a ring with this symbol on it. Can anyone tell me what is the meaning behind it?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Leo8228
    Does anyone know what this symbol is? Its a sideways face in a circle with twi lines one above and one under circle and there is a dot on the right of the line under the circle.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • IsaacHolmes
    Anyone know this symbol, I randomly drew it on myself as a child
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • theresar.42181
    I'm trying to figure outt these symbols on a rock I fohbd
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • toluwase_a
    what does this symbol mean ^
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • boluwatife_a
    What symbol is this
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Katnurse
    Can anyone help me with these symbols?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • jamesc.00482
    What is this symbol
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • mysticalhalcyon_7
    What does this symbol mean?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • guyh.19390
    What does this mean?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • bob.bonny
    Does anyone know what this is called?
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Mayito0520
    Does anyone know what this means
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • jennyc.56932
    I saw that symbol when my cousin dropped sugar on the floor ..
    I was a kid but I saw that symbol and I’m never gonna forget about it
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • stephaniej.69362
    I have a symbol that looks like a person with a 6 on top of a 7 beside it
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Dorothyp7
    Thrifted this necklace because i found it interesting and im wondering what this symbol means
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • sisa_m
    What does it mean please?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      Looks like it could be the elder futhark rune Sowilo, representing confidence and empowerment. One alone is fine, but if you see two of them side by side tattooed on someone, they're probably a neo-nazi.
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • sisa_m
      I saw that symbol joining the moles on a girl's face.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • becdabest
    saw this tattooed on someone, anybody know what it means?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • heybye
    What does this mean? §
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      It's a silcrow, used for citing numbered sections in a document. It's also how you use colored fonts in minecraft signs.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • achsa
    ? jade nephrili
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Rutobinko
    Hello! Could anyone please find & give me a (thorough & detailed, if possible) meaning/symbolism behind this tattoo? I can't even find this specific drawing anywhere on Google
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • leeb.68544
    What is the meaning of this symbol ¥
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • mrm.30430
      what does this "฀" mean? it's just a rectangle
      and how is this symbol is used?
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      It's the symbol for the Japanese currency yen and Chinese currency yuan.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Kaléidoscope
    Hello! Anyone recognize this small symbol ?
    Thank you !
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • crystalc.77325
    What does these mean .... It's double sided
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      This is a tetragrammaton! It combines Christian, Jewish, pagan, and even some alchemic (although alchemy is not a religion) symbols to create what is considered a powerful protection symbol.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • kristiem.41491
    Was given many years ago and was given no info on it. No markings on the back of it.
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      The four letters in the middle are the Hebrew letters for YHWH, or one of the names of God. These four letters are called the tetragrammaton, which is also the name of a protection symbol which includes the aforementioned four letters. This might be a variation of a tetragrammaton symbol. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • cesar_r
    What's is ir this symbol?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • artemis_r
    Came across 2 pews that are assumed to be from the 1800s. This carving is on the ends & I need to know what it means & it's origins. If possible
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Medicmissy1023
    On a grave
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • artemis_r
      no. They're on the ends of pews I found in my new home
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • cinnamon_s
    What does the symbol mean I really don't know anything about this symbol
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • casperb.46267
      Maybe the greek letter lambda? but reversed?
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • brayan_m
    what do these symbols mean
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Prantikalfa
    What is this symbol? I want to knkw every details about it
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Kylehomes
    What deos this symbol mean
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • shruti_p
    Anyone know about this symbol?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • WVRockhound2313
    Found this symbol on a piece of wood,
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • marya.50927
    Anyone know what site they belong to??
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • joell.67118
    Anyone know what this is?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • randie_d
    Any idea? Found in a night stand with a penny on each side
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • josem.66182
    what that k with the line on the lower thing on top of the body
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • maxa.79784
    Does anyone know what any of these symbols mean?
    I'd assume that they are all related so please if you could help me out I'd appreciate it.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Heriflo
    Que significa que es ?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • terifina
    Can anyone identify this symbol. Was told maybe Viking history
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Anniemarie710
    What does this symbol mean please help
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • shifooooz
    Family ring. Does anyone know what the symbols mean ?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Varolf
    What does this symbol means?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • SR45
    Anyone can tell me what the 3rd symbol means?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    Hi can anyone tell me what this symbol means.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Kaybee
    Hello does anyone know what this means please? UK based
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Alto
    Anyone know these symbols?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Erratic_doodle
    So I found this bracelet from when I was younger. I thought it was Indian/Buddhist in origin, but I can’t identify the writing. I’m trying to hunt for it but can’t. Any help is appreciated
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • yin_w
    What is this symbol?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Daveinupton
    Can anyone help with this please?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Shari
    Please anyone tell me what this symbol means
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Valknut
    Não consigo encontrar o nome verdadeiro desse símbolo, sempre é confundido com outro símbolo o ( helmo do terror ou temor)
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Mcloj618
    Hey there found this is in my bag and cant figure out what it means
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • titi_p
    Pouvez-vous me dire à quoi correspond ce symbole.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Curious64
    What does this symbol mean?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • esteban_s
    Aparecio en el piso de mi casa
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Espritastre
    I was told what this once was now im not really sure...
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • aulia_r
    what is this symbol mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • HeyItsChris
    What is the meaning of these symbols & their names bottom left top right? Thx
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • kyleb.86127
    I have no idea what this is. anyone?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • theautisticrebel
    Can someone identify the symbol seen 0:16-0:17 in this video?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • GBean
    What does this mean
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • dannam20
    Anyone knows where this symbols are from?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • KIZ
    Does anyone know what this says?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Lufer
    Hola buenas. Alguien me puede decir q significa el símbolo q se encuentra encima del tatuaje??. Gracias
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • GrizzlBeerd
    Can someone please help me out here
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • cassandram.99494
    Found this on a tree in a national park, NW U. S.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Cal_Crow
    A friend made this for me but my name doesn't start with an N so was hoping to figure out what it is? Thank you in advanced
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • mml80
    does this symbol stand for word go?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • stevenm.56898
    Thank you in advance, not sure what this button is...
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Totti
    What does this symbol mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mel7991
    Anybody know what kind of marks these are ?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Aseristhebest
    Hearing Picture
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • clare
    Looking for the meaning or significance of "" in computer code. Sometimes combined with "code is poetry".
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mcb1990
    Any idea what this means?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • K!NG
    What does symbol mean pls. I saw it in a church
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • orphicrare
    what is the name and meaning of this symbol?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Leona3000
    Any idea what this means
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • julien_m
    What does this symbol mean? It's on a pickle jar I usually buy and I'venever seen it before???
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Lizzy15
    What does this mean
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Deda18
    L'ho disegno inconsciamente da ragazzina. Aiutatemi a capire.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Fellof98
    A lady walks up and hands me this ring and says it belongs to me and that she was to deliver it to me. She looked scared. I'm freaked out by it all . Can anyone tell me what the symbol means. Or is she just crazy? Help plz 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Bossatron2004
    What is this symbol
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • SideTrakkDsean
    What does-db mean on my amp
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • TartarusFairy
    Can anyone identify this?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Lucaastro8
    Does anyone knows what demon sigil is?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Maxwell
    Can anyone help me with this one?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • Dshaw
    What does this symbol mean? Thank you in advance.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • zacharyj.70376
    what does this symbol mean~?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • clarisse_c
    I am trying to identify a sybol that looks like a clock wirh a double quarter circle on top
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Whaisthissymbol
    Ive identified the 4 seasonal symbols but not the one in the center (the horned cross like symbol) or the very lowest one. It all folds up into a cube, its Victorian, made of silver & very mysterious & I dont really know what it is? any suggestions?. 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • TheOfficialMelog
    What does -^- mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • thedevilwithin
    What does this symbol mean ¬?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • khloee_r
    What does this symbol mean ^?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • alexia_628
    what does "~" mean?? google won't help
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • christinam.22585
    It appears to be a cross on top of a circle that is open to the left almost like ceres then reversed to look like the letter c with a cross beneath it.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • scotty06
    what does `` mean in english its not an apostrophe or a quote so what is it
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • ReiRei
    what does ;-; mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • scotty06
      Bro how old are you lol? its the computer version of a crying emoji just not in emoji
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • skylin30
    what does ; mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • bolt746
    what does -.- mean?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • PartPurple
      This is a face with eyes closed. It generally represents resignation, like a sigh.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • antiiiiiiiiiiiii
    What is the symbol on the woman's dress on this card?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mausami
    Hi guys
    Couldnt find meaning of this
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • wendyc.01767
    Help me identify a symbol that is a triangle white on the left side and red on the other.
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • senlian
      todoroki traingle
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • laura_r
    what does this symbol mean  ?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Sprigansole

    grandma bought our baby a necklace with this symbol, can you tell me what it is?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • natalia_e
    what does * mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • jessie_p
      it's a star, can be used to show multiplication, or to show fixing a typo like
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Nuridime
    Hi, my husband got his tattoo while drunk and doesn’t know what it means. The man told him something about a maya’s symbol but we tease each and found nothing.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • RaOs
    Does this jas any meaning?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • evan_w
    what does ;-; mean?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • heatherlevay
    I'm trying to find out what this symbol means?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • hisokaslefttoe
    What does ;-; mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • aidenl.54390
    What dose this * mean?
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • nadia_f
      That is a star (for numbers and stuff)
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • abbie_y
    What does ~ mean?
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • hisokaslefttoe
      That can be used for 2 things either for typing lyrics or flirting youll use it at the end of the flirt of lyric
      LikeReply 23 years ago
    • nadia_f
      Lyrics, Flirting, Teasing
      LikeReply 13 years ago
  • hannah_a
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • honeyana10
    imma just say that i think +-+ and +w+ with the eyes, they are glowing.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • autumn_t
    what does ^ mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • nadia_f
      It means that they agree with what the person above was saying.
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • Liv841
    What does § mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Dwqueen11
    What does ) ( mean in math
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • nadia_f
      Those are parentheses. They basically close off a section in math, and they use the PEMDAS (Order of Operations - Must use in order) protocol (or multiply two numbers) such as:
      3(2+3) + 8(2-1) =
      (3 x 5) + (8 x 1) =
      15 + 8 = 23
      Parentheses (Answer what's in the parentheses first)
      Exponents (Do the math for the exponents)
      Multiplication (Multiply any numbers or variables)
      Division (Divide any numbers or variables)
      Addition (Add any numbers or variables)
      Subtraction (Subtract any numbers or variables)
      LikeReply 13 years ago
  • chafika_e
    What does - mean
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • jawairia_r
    what does ^ mean in maths
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • DenisDaily
    What does * mean
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • lol_l
    What does ;-; mean
    LikeReply 53 years ago
  • jimbo123
    What does this mean ~
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • aariyn_k
    what does this symbol mean: ~
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • dominic_o
    what does the x in -3x+30 mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Marlon0502
    Hello I have been looking for this specific symbol for weeks, I hope and you can help me with its meaning, I think it is pagan and Viking
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • davion_k
    what does tis mean >﹏
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • margaret_n
    What does this § symbol mean?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Jahslyn
    What does this mean %
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • olejrgen_c
    What does the®mean when it is typed like this "Assasin's Creed®Valhalla"? The "R" is just tiny and not huge like this one.
    LikeReply3 years ago
    What does this mean?: ^-^
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • sabrina_l
      a cute emoticon smiling at you with its eyes closed happily
      LikeReply 23 years ago
  • aiden_n
    what dose(//)mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • sabrina_l
      a blushing emoticon
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • OneSexyPancake
    What does ~ mean?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • alisson_r
    what does :- mean without the smile ?
    LikeReply3 years ago
      you know but Happy Thanksgiving
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • sabrina_l
      it means a "meh" face emoticon
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • honeyana10
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • madzzz
    What does● mean in math?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • applesauce
      its a multiplication symbol
      LikeReply 23 years ago
  • usber91huh
    What is this?꧁꧂
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • madzzz
      Idk if this is true but i think thats just something cool you type :P
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • honeyana10
      fonts... idk but it might be just for making something pop out.
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • WOlfy
    what dose it mean when i boy send you this ;)
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • sabrina_l
      usually it implies something sexual like confirming an innuendo
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • cofusedgoat26
    what does this mean
    LikeReply 13 years ago
      this is used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experianced.
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • TheOfficialJosh
    What does this mean: ∅
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Noah
    What does (: ;) mean?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Jorja (said the like the state)
    Jorja (said the like the state)
    what does   ; symbol mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Liliana
    what does ;) mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Jennifer HartWoods
    Jennifer HartWoods
    I dont have a pic but let me try my best to describe it for you guys. It has multiple forms that it comes on. Like a fifty cent piece. And on one side it has like a sheild with a crest or a horse with one leg bent on the front legs bent. A rider with sword or joust at half mast . oh ya and a serpent coming out of the water and the horse looks to be about to trample it with one of its front legs.and on the back it says " you are the key to the light"!. 
    LikeReply3 years ago
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
      i wish i could help
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
    • honeyana10
      its money from another contrary. of from a different year. I know this because I have a coin with Pennsylvania on it.
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
  • mrn
    what is this simbol
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • applesauce
      what do you mean
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
  • 0000
    what does this mean *
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Lyniyah Torres
    Lyniyah Torres
    what does this mean>
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • SupremeYolk47
    what does this mean ~
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Lauren H
    Lauren H
    What does this mean >.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • DepressedScoobyDoo
    What Does * mean
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • :)
    what does //•//~//•/ mean lol
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • applesauce
      its just a face you can text people
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
    • sabrina_l
      an awkward blushing emoticon
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
  • isabel
    what does ; mean 
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • ernest colding
    ernest colding
    what is this
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Austin
    what does ;-; mean
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • isabel
      it's a crying face
      LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Boo boo the phobia
    Boo boo the phobia
    What does this symbol “ mean 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • applesauce
      its quotation marks
      LikeReplyAccept answer 13 years ago
    • well_i
      Ok well what does ' mean?
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago
    • honeyana10
      a punctuation mark ( ’ ) used to indicate either possession (e.g., Harry's book ; boys' coats ) or the omission of letters or numbers (e.g., can't ; he's ; class of ’99 ).
      LikeReplyAccept answer3 years ago


Are you a world flags master?

A Liberia
B Zimbabwe
C Slovakia
D Cambodia
