Found 2,542 symbols matching: Page #61


Fixation (alternate)
A symbol used in alchemy to represent the process of fixation.
Antimony (alternate #1)
Resembling a cross between a lyre and a trident, this symbol is an alchemical marker for antimony.
Magnesia\Magnesium (alchemy)
Resembling a trident, this sign is a 16th century chemical symbol for magnesia.
Lime (alchemy)
A symbol used to represent lime in early chemistry.
Lime (alternate #1)
An early chemical symbol indicating lime or limestone.
Lime (alternate #3)
A sign used in early chemistry to represent lime.
Lime (alternate #4)
Somewhat resembling a kidney, this symbol was used in early chemistry to represent lime.
Steel (alternate #1)
One of several symbols used in alchemy to represent steel.
Steel (alternate #2)
An early chemical symbol for steel.
Steel (alternate #3)
Bearing a distinct resemblance to the anarchy logo, this is actually an early chemical symbol for the metal steel.
Tin (alternate #5)
An early chemical symbol indicating the metal tin.
Ferrum auretum
An 18th century symbol for ferrum auretum, a yellow iron compound.
Arsenic sulphate (alchemy)
An alchemical and early chemical symbol for the compound arsenic sulphate.
Gilded copper (alchemy)
An 18th century symbol representing gilded copper, or cuprum auratum.
Alcohol (alchemy)
An early chemical symbol used to indicate alcohol or a wine spirit.
Zinc (alchemy)
An 18th century chemical symbol representing the metal zinc.
Golden number 15
On a clog almanac, this symbol represents an aspect of the lunar cycle.
Distillation (alternate #3)
In 18th century chemistry, this sign indicated the process of distillation.
Distillation (alternate #1)
An alchemical symbol indicating the process of distillation.
Distillation (alternate #2)
An alchemical symbol indicating the process of distillation.
Lead (alternate #4)
In alchemy, lead is most commonly represented by the astrological sign for the planet Saturn (for full details, see the symbol for 'Lead'), but this symbol serves the same purpose.
In 18th century chemistry, this symbol represented the process of crystallization.
Alcoholics Anonymous Symbol
The Circle and Triangle symbol has long been connected to the A.A. Fellowship. It was adopted as an official A.A. symbol at the International Convention in St. Louis in 1955, and from that point on w…
Dagaz (alternate)


Are you a world flags master?

A Georgia
B U.S. Virgin Islands
C Bhutan
D North Macedonia
