Found 2,545 symbols matching: Page #102
Period (Impartial) An unconventional punctuation mark that indicates a lack of hostility or other emotion. | |
Hemidemisemicolon An unconventional punctuation mark capable of taking the place of periods, commas, and semicolons. | |
Interrobang An unconventional punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of the question mark and exclamation point. | |
Ironieteken An unconventional punctuation mark intended to convey irony. | |
Irony Mark An unconventional punctuation mark that indicates a state of affairs that is contrary to what one expects, and is often used to evoke humor. | |
Love Point An unconventional punctuation mark intended to denote a statement of affection. | |
Question Comma This unconventional punctuation mark allows the writer to use a question mark in the middle of a sentence since the period element has been replaced by a comma. | |
Rhetorical Question Mark An unconventional punctuation mark that indicates a rhetorical question. | |
Sarcastisies An unconventional punctuation mark that conveys a sarcastic sentence. | |
SarcMark An unconventional punctuation mark meant to telegraph sarcasm. | |
Mockwotation Marks An unconventional punctuation mark meant to indicate that the person who is being quoted is being mocked. | |
Sinceroid An unconventional punctuation mark meant to indicate that the writer is being sincere, as opposed to conveying any other emotion. | |
Snark Mark This unconventional punctuation mark helps the reader understand when the meaning of a sentence is different than what the sum of its words appear to mean. | |
Snark Mark (Variant) This unconventional punctuation mark helps the reader understand when the meaning of a sentence is different than what the sum of its words appear to mean. | |
Superellipses An unconventional punctuation mark that conveys a dramatic pause. | |
Thrembo Thrembo is a fictional number, specifically an integer, between six and seven, created and spread on social media as a joke. | |
Derf Derf is a fictional number, specifically an integer, between six and seven, created as a joke and featured on television show iCarly. | |
Star The symbol ★ is known as a Star. It is often used to represent excellence, achievement, or to highlight something special or important. In various contexts, the star symbol can also symbolize guidanc… | |
Circled White Star The ✪ symbol, aka the circled white star, is a typographical symbol often used to draw attention to important information or to highlight a particular point. It can be used in various contexts, such … | |
The heart of Etheria «heart» by the First Ones' writing system |