Found 2,058 symbols matching: Page #21


Beaver (zodiac)
Beaver: Apr 20 - May 20
Woodpecker (zodiac)
Woodpecker: Jun 21 - Jul 21
Salmon (zodiac)
Salmon: Jul 22 - Aug 21
Bear (zodiac)
Bear: Aug 22 - Sep 21
Goose (zodiac)
Goose: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Snake (zodiac)
Snake: Oct 23 - Nov 22
Crow (zodiac)
Crow: Sep 22 - Oct 22
Harvest Moon
September : Harvest Moon
Hunters Moon
October : Hunters Moon
Beaver Moon
November : Beaver Moon
Cold Moon Signs
December : Cold Moon Signs
Sturgeon Moon
August : Sturgeon Moon
Thunder Moon Signs
July : Thunder Moon Signs
Strawberry Moon
June : Strawberry Moon
Flower Moon Sign
May : Flower Moon Sign
Seed Moon Sign
April : Seed Moon Sign
Crow Moon Sign
March : Crow Moon Sign
Snow Moon Sign
February : Snow Moon Sign
Turtle tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Turtle is to identify Mother Earth herself.
Raven tracks
Raven tracks indicate a message to us beyond time and space.
Porcupine Tracks
Identifying animal tracks of the Porcupine indicate innocence, faith, and wonder.
Hand Eye Symbol
The Hand Eye symbol featured strongly in the Mississippian culture. The following picture shows the Hand Eye Symbol surrounded by the Horned Serpent.
Avanyu Symbol
The Avanyu symbol is one of the many snake-like deities that figure in the mythology of some Native American tribes, notably the Pueblo.
Twins Symbol
Twins Symbol
Piasa Symbol
The Piasa was believed to be a supernatural deity, similar to a dragon or mythical bird, who resided in the Underworld with the spirits associated with death and destruction.


Are you a world flags master?

A Bermuda
B Marshall Islands
C Nicaragua
D Greece
