Found 2,574 symbols matching: Page #92

Lines not crossing

Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes (Apple iOS 10.3)
Kissing Face With Closed Eyes (Apple iOS 10.3)
White Smiling Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
Slightly Smiling Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
Neutral Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
Expressionless Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
Face Without Mouth (Apple iOS 10.3)
Smirking Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
Persevering Face (Apple iOS 10.3)
letter aksara B
Ini adalah huruf B dari aksara sunda
Flag of Nigeria
The Flag of Nigeria was designed in 1959 and first officially hoisted on October 1, 1960. The flag is a vertical 1:2 triband of green, white, green. The two green stripes represent Nigeria's natural …
Flag of Biafra
The flag of the former Republic of Biafra consists of a horizontal tricolour of red, black, and green, charged with a golden rising sun over a golden bar.
The Fig Hand Gesture
The fig sign is a mildly obscene gesture used in Turkish and Slavic cultures and some other cultures that uses two fingers and a thumb. This gesture is most commonly used to deny a request.
Internet Symbol
Internet symbol conveying WiFi, information, and anonymity. Iconic among hacktivists and anarcho-hacktivists.
Jera (also Jeran, Jeraz) is the conventional name of the j-rune ᛃ of the Elder Futhark, from a reconstructed Common Germanic stem *jēra- meaning "harvest, (good) year".
Tuareg Cross
The markings and geometrical design of Tuareg crosses and Tuareg jewelry in general translates into protective symbolism. "God is the center of the universe, we are one with God" and "no matter where…
A sphinx is a mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion.
Naruto Hidden Leaf Village Symbol
Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto.
Sharp increase in wind speed.
The Victor Sybmol
The victor symbol (Spanish: víctor or vítor) is an emblem that is painted on the walls of some Spanish and Latin American universities to commemorate students who have received the degree of doctorat…
Chinese Dragon Symbol
An ancient seal script form of the character for "dragon" that is now written 龍 or 龙 and pronounced lóng in Mandarin Chinese.
Hei Matau
A hei matau is a bone or greenstone carving in the shape of a highly stylised fish hook typical of the Māori people of New Zealand. They represent strength, good luck and safe travel across water.
DOT COM SYMBOL (.com) proposed by openInvent
DOT COM SYMBOL (.com) proposed by openInvent see
Math operation first number added to summation of itself times base counted down for each digit place until the ones column 10^0.
SUMA Chess piece
The suma pawn (♙♟) is a two square wide pawn from a custom rule in Samurai chess placed in the 3rd row as 1st move -- each player has one SUMA pawn.


Are you a world flags master?

A Benin
B Romania
C Belgium
D New Caledonia