Found 2,570 symbols matching: Page #66

Lines not crossing

Sleep for the night
French hobo sign- where this appears it means that you can sleep for the night at that location.
Evil people
French hobo sign- there are evil people living here.
Bad policeman
French hobo sign- the policeman in this area is bad.
Good home
A French hobo sign indicating that this home is a good one. Its inhabitants are hospitable and generous.
Beware of danger
French hobo sign that basically says "watch out".
Avoid this place
A French hobo sign that says to stay away, this place is dangerous.
Scared people
French hobo sign- stay away from here, the people scare easily and will contact the authorities.
Brutal people
A British hobo sign indicating that the people who live here are not good.
Watchful neighbors
A French hobo sign indicating watchful neighbors.
Hobos are thieves
A French hobo sign indicating that people in the area view hobos as thieves.
Hobos are thieves (alternative)
A French hobo sign indicating that people in the area view hobos as thieves.
Kind woman
A British hobo sign that indicates where a kind woman lives.
Poisonous water
A hobo sign indicating contaminated water.
Like many gemstones, the diamond possesses a number of different symbolic meanings.
Avoid this place (alternative)
A French hobo sign that says to stay away, this place is dangerous.
Prison (alternative)
A hobo sign that either indicates a prison or is a warning to avoid this area- there is a risk of being arrested.
Like many gemstones, the garnet possesses a number of different symbolic meanings.
In many parts of ancient Europe, the oak tree was a revered symbol and associated with numerous deities. Besides the tree itself, individual components such as acorns and leaves hold their own unique…
Scared people (alternative)
Hobo sign with a dual meaning: British- people here are unsympathetic Swedish- be careful or they'll call the police
Dangerous inhabitants
A sign in both the Swedish and British hobo systems:
A French hobo sign indicating that revenge must be taken.
Aztec Sun Stone
Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, the Aztecs were the mightiest civilization ever seen in the Americas. While much of their culture was destroyed, lost and/…
Check mark
A check mark or tick is a symbol used to indicate the concept "yes".
In purely monetary terms, jade doesn't always measure up to more desirable stones such as diamonds or rubies. On the other hand, when it comes to symbolic meaning, a rich history, and holding a rever…
Obsidian is one of nature’s more curious products. Smooth to the touch, it can hold a razor sharp edge, but cracks and flakes under less pressure than most other stones. Nonetheless, it has a very lo…


Are you a world flags master?

A Tokelau
C Uzbekistan
D Jordan
