Melchizedek's entries

Here's the list of symbols submitted by Melchizedek  — There are currently 5 symbols total — keep up the great work!

Dissolution, Alchemical Process
The alchemical process of Dissolution as peculiarly represented by the symbol for Aquarius.
3 years ago
The Earth, Alchemical Symbol
Alchemical symbol for The Earth, our planet, as opposed to the element earth. AKA "The World" in alchemical terms.
3 years ago
Circulation, Alchemical Process
Alchemical process of circulation as seen on the Wheel of Fortune Trump in Robert Place's excellent Alchemical Tarot.
3 years ago
Disposition, Alchemical Process
Alchemical process of Disposition. As seen on the "Justice" trump of Robert Place's excellent Alchemical Tarot.
3 years ago
Fermentation, Alchemical Process
The alchemical process of Fermentation (AKA Fermentatio). As seen on the "Strength" trump of Robert Place's excellent Alchemical Tarot.
3 years ago

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Are you a world flags master?

A Kiribati
B Australia
C Tonga
D Equatorial Guinea